“It was evident from when I first met with Judy that her knowledge of the aged care sector was extensive. Moreover, she displayed great empathy, taking the time to find out as much as she could about my mother. She quickly got back to me with a list of facilities she was prepared to recommend. Following further discussions, Judy forwarded applications on my behalf to several facilities.
I am pleased, and much relieved, to say my mother was offered a room within a day or so of the applications being lodged. She moved in there on 17 June. Judy rang me that day to ensure that I was satisfied. She continues to ask me about my mother's care.
I am very grateful to Judy for the help she gave me at a time I was finding both confusing and stressful. She is a true professional who never left me in any doubt as to what was happening or was likely to happen. She delivered what she promised.
I could not recommend Judy more highly”.
- Mal Pearce
“I am most grateful for the competence and professionalism that you displayed in your dealings with us. All calls, texts and emails were responded to quickly and in a cheerful manner. You juggled our steep educational requirements with the time critical nature of our situation extremely well. You fill a very valuable gap in the aged care puzzle. I will recommend Caring Options to anybody I believe will benefit from using a professional aged care consultant.”
- Mark Barry
“I just wanted to thank you for all the help and guidance in getting mum a care placement. The whole process was of the highest professional standard. A weight has been lifted off our shoulders knowing she is safe and in a caring place.”
- Glen de Jong
“Thank you for the help you provided at a crucial time for mum and a challenging time for us. You were responsive, caring, knowledgeable and thorough in the way you dealt with us. This was a great relief to have someone help us navigate an unknown world and achieve the result we needed for our mum.”
- Graham Hill
“You were the shining light in amongst the aged care puzzle. You not only made us feel at ease with the process, you took on all the hard work so gracefully and the end result was a wonderful placement, My father couldn’t be happier and he appreciated your hard work as much as we did.”
- Geoff and Monique Jones
“As the months have gone by, the steady improvement in my mother’s health and her happiness is a testament to your skills and to your personal and caring attention. At the time when we were looking for the right place and the right way to do it, you were the answer to our prayers with advice, options and above all reassurance about the difficult decision we had to make. Thank you so much for your exceptional assistance.”
- Kate Tweedale
“Caring Options made the whole process very easy for us. We are grateful for their professional expertise, however, more importantly the firm patience and kindness at all times was invaluable. I would recommend Judy Robb and Caring Options to anyone searching for aged care for family.”
- Trish Cranfield
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